C:\users\E's home

Welcome to my tragedy, which I call my website

So, I'm a Cringy trans girl I-I mean nerd

I've done alot, and obsessed over alot, honestly. one of my long time obsessions has been history, and music. Specifically, chernobyl. when it comes to history I also really like poetry.It's very captivating how something can convey so much emotion. with so few words

i also really like the 90s, and 80s, i love the music, the tv, the books. it was an amazing time and i'm very sad its over. i also really love Red dwarf. its hilarious, and the beggining theme of the first series portrays the despair of the dwarfers, 3,000,000 light years from home it's so amazingly expansive. the slow beginning, and the SOS from holly. an absolute gold mine of a theme. honestly they couldn't have done better if they tried.

Other than Red dwarf i really love other 90's tv shows. Like star trek. I can say i've watched every star trek show and movie. i've also expierienced wonders such as windows 98, and 95. and the start up theme for 98? Goddamn. I love the start up theme for 98. I also really like XP. I guess i just kinda grew up with it, as my dad had it on all of his computers when i was growing up. XP's alert sound playing over and over again as i spammed the mouse is ingrained in my mind forever more. So is bliss.

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